Communicating as One

In 2022, the first UN in Indonesia communications strategy was developed, the central priority of which is accessing new audiences and offering UN positions and views on topics of public interest. 

The three-year strategy builds on a 2022 survey, which found that while 94% of respondents were aware of the UN, only 40% had heard of the SDGs. It identifies ways to effectively communicate UN values and activities in Indonesia, while working to engage and mobilize various audiences to take action advancing the SDGs.  

Integral to the strategy is an emphasis on communicating as one and the UN delivered joint communications campaigns including on Countering Hate Speech, International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, UN Day, and Human Rights Day

To engage younger audiences, it launched the social media-optimised UN Bercerita video series, which employs young UN presenters, informal language, quick cuts, and vivid graphics to engage Indonesian youth. The UN also intensified cooperation with national public broadcaster RRI, which now hosts a monthly talk show on the SDGs, while more UN speakers will appear on national and regional radio stations. Finally, senior UN staff delivered 14 lectures and seminars at universities across Indonesia. 

UN Bercerita Video Series

UN Bercerita video series, which employs young UN presenters, use informal language, quick cuts, and vivid graphics to engage Indonesian youth.