Leaving No One Behind - Outcome 2

The UN in Indonesia believes economic transformation should be gender-sensitive and inclusive, and meet the needs of vulnerable and marginalized communities who are often left behind.

In 2022, UN programming offered crucial support to women owners of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), promoted disability inclusion in workplaces and the enhanced economic participation of persons with disabilities, and worked to prioritise the economic participation of marginalized youth.


A graphic of Open Unemployment Rate by Gender


A graphic of Percentage of people living below poverty line by Location


Future Proofing, Industry 4.0, and the Circular Economy
Training, Skills Development, and Public Education
Agriculture, Food Systems Development and Consumer Protection
Enabling Local Economic Development
Local Firms Equipped for the Global Market
Building Gender- Equal, Child-Friendly Workplaces and Protecting Workers’ Rights
Better Support Services and livelihood opportunities for Refugees, Migrants, and People with Disabilities
Policy Making and Institutional Capacity Building for Inclusive and non-Discriminatory Workplaces


7,437 adolescents joined an adolescent engagement programme on 21st century digital and entrepreneurship skills.

The Government integrated livestock evacuation into disaster management efforts, increasing protection for millions of people whose livelihoods depend on farming and livestock

1,523 workplaces received support in conducting COVID-19 risk assessments

8,461 refugees and asylum seekers received humanitarian assistance

Over 200 garment sector factories received support in improving working conditions and competitiveness, benefitting nearly 400,000 workers, some 80% of whom are female


A woman and a man standing on a wastewater treatment plant in an eco-industrial park.
Feathery palm trees, manicured grass, and a students’ choir greeting visitors — not images one typically associates with industrial parks. But the UNIDO-backed MM 2100 Industrial Town, just outside Jakarta, is no typical industrial park. Or at least, not yet. The bucolic scenes at MM 2100 could soon become commonplace thanks to a regulatory roadmap UNIDO has been developing with Indonesia’s Ministry of Industry to incentivize all industrial parks in the country to become eco-industrial parks.
A woman is cooking in her kitchen
Yvonne Kubis and Yeni Alelo were not used to earning an independent income. The two women from North Sulawesi are among the hundreds of microentrepreneurs supported by an ILO project in the province aimed at income diversification and the economic empowerment of women in coastal communities.