Leaving No One Behind - Outcome 1

The UN in Indonesia has continued to be guided by the principle of Leaving No One Behind. In doing so, it has focused interventions towards Indonesia’s most vulnerable groups. This has involved a drive for greater inclusion of women and girls in UN programming and an intersectional approach to social protection that, for example, considers the needs of persons with disabilities and works to combat the exclusion of marginalized youth.

Graphic of Prevalence of Stunting and Wasting
Proportion of households using safely managed drinking and sanitation services
A graphic of Completion Rate - Senior Secondary


A graphic of Proportion of children under 5 years whose birth have been registered with a civil authority


Social Protection and Welfare
Food Security and Better Nutrition
Stronger Health Systems
Better Maternal and Newborn Health
Advancing Human Rights, Improving Access to Justice, and Enhancing Gender Equality
Migration and Asylum Governance and Policies
Advancing Policies to Prevent Violent Extremism and Financial Crime
Building Community Resilience and Ensuring a Gender-Responsive Approach to Preventing Violent Extremism
Ending Violence against Women, Children and Other Harmful Practices


New Social Work Learning Centers in 11 provinces provided training for at least 2,273 social service workers on service standards and case management.

Information and digital messaging on stunting prevention reached 15 million people via social media.

The SMILE digital monitoring application for healthcare had recorded the delivery of more than 550 million vaccination doses by November 2022, including >434 million COVID-19 vaccination doses and >116 million doses of routine vaccines.

A national children’s immunization campaign for the measles-rubella vaccination reached 26.3 million children in 32 provinces (72% coverage), integrated with an IPV, OPV and Penta catch-up campaign across all provinces.

More than 1,100 trained practitioners are promoting evidence-based hygiene behaviour change interventions in communities, schools and health care facilities, benefitting 188,000 people, including >66000 children.

13,617 hospitals and Puskesmas are now using the Government’s healthcare information system SIKELIM to monitor the status of water, hand hygiene, sanitation, and waste management.

31 out of 35 target districts adopted the UN’s good practices for assisting Out of School Children (OOSC), resulting in local government resource prioritization to assist around 10,300 OOSC and 65,700 children at-risk of dropping out of school.

36 online media organisations were involved in awareness-raising activities on the prevention of violent extremism, contributing to 5,500 media articles, short videos, infographics, social media posts, and memes that generated 26 million socmed views.

The ROOTS bullying prevention programme produced 150,000 new agents of change and involved 13,500 teachers and school personnel from over 6,700 schools across Indonesia.


Five women discussing around a table while assembling notes on cardboard
Almost half of all new HIV infections in Indonesia occur among young people. UNAIDS provided youth-friendly counselling, sharing information via online channels, and expanding digital reach to find new ways to encourage young people to get tested for HIV are some of the topics 50 health care workers from across Papua discussed in March 2022.
A boy is playing a vegetable bingo
Food security and social support in the Kupang District will increasingly go to those most in need, thanks to a Regent’s Decree prepared last year by the Kupang District Government, the Regional District Development Planning Office, and WFP.