I am delighted to present the UN in Indonesia’s Country Results Report 2022 on behalf of the UN Country Team and in concert with the Government of Indonesia.

Both in Indonesia and globally, 2022 was an extraordinary year. Indonesia’s G20 Presidency reflected the country’s growing stature on the world stage, but convening the summit posed an unprecedented diplomatic test amid the war in Ukraine and its associated international rifts. Indonesia should be congratulated on focusing G20 members on issues such as the global health architecture and climate injustice in a year in which victories for multilateralism were in short supply. Halfway around the world, at COP27 in Egypt, delegates struck an imperfect but nonetheless historic agreement on loss and damages, echoing Indonesia’s promise to speak up for the interests of the less developed nations who for now bear the brunt of the climate emergency.

My second full year as Resident Coordinator in Indonesia coincided with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, some of which had been in force since I began my posting in October 2020. This offered a welcome opportunity to see our work in action under the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework. In Sulawesi, I visited an eco-tourism project initiated by the International Labour Organization. In Papua, I met officials engaged in boosting education and health for populations at risk of being left behind. And in Belitung, I saw how a UNESCO Geopark is creating new sustainable livelihood opportunities on an island with a long history of mineral exploitation. Each visit offered a reminder of the creativity, resilience, and compassion of Indonesian people that is reflected in the stories featured throughout this report. One image, from my trip to Banda Aceh, was especially evocative of Indonesia’s resilient spirit. On a suburban street, perched across the roofs of two houses, is a 25m-long wooden fishing boat credited with saving the lives of 59 people in the aftermath of the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami. The boat is one of the few remaining visual reminders of the tsunami’s impact, and the thriving streets that surround it are a testament to the power of communities coming together in the face of adversity, as well as the Leaving No One Behind promise at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals.

It also serves as a timely reminder of the extraordinary power of the oceans. Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelagic nation, took a crucial step towards harnessing that power as a positive force in 2022 with the launch of the Blue Agenda. The Indonesian Government’s commitment to sustainable ocean development and the protection of coastal communities, in close collaboration with the UN and our international development partners, positions this country to become a world leader on SDG14: Life Below Water.

Our 2022 Country Results Report illustrates the UN and the Government of Indonesia’s enduring commitment to recovering from the uneven impact of COVID-19, advancing the SDGs, improving the lives and livelihoods of the citizens of this country, and reaching those left furthest behind. This lifesaving work is only possible in close coordination with member states, and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Government of Indonesia and our international development partners for their excellent collaboration throughout the year.

Woven through this report is a motif inspired by Bali’s indigenous Tenun Endek weaving style, in commemoration of Bali’s hosting of the 7th Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in May 2022 and the G20 Leaders’ Summit in November 2022. The angular rangrang pattern we have selected is traditionally associated with transparency and represents the spirit of our work with the Government and this presentation of our shared 2022 results.

United Nations Resident Coordinator in Indonesia

Valerie Julliand

Indonesia and the United Nations (UN) share a long-standing cooperation which is essential for advancing our development goals, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030. I greatly appreciate the support and significant work of all UN Agencies in Indonesia and all related Ministries for the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) Results Report 2022, which highlights and affirms the cordial relationship between the Government of Indonesia and the United Nations as we work together to advance Indonesia’s development agenda and priorities, particularly Indonesia’s 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and SDGs in 2030. The Report summarizes the progress and accomplishments of our joint delivery in relation to the four outcomes of the UNSDCF 2021-2025: (i) Inclusive Human Development; (ii) Economic Transformation; (iii) Green Development, Climate Change and Natural Disasters; and (iv) Innovation to Accelerate Progress towards achieving the SDGs.

In the long run, especially after learning from the Covid-19 pandemic, we must ensure that the UN-Indonesia cooperation continues to develop responsive and resilient policies and initiatives in dealing with the effects of global crises. I extend my sincere gratitude to all UN agencies, government and non-governmental partners for their tireless efforts to aid Indonesia’s post COVID-19 recovery. This includes the implementation of the Joint Programmes, which combine the knowledge, resources, and networks of several UN organizations to support the government in achieving its national development priorities and the SDGs. For instance, the “Employment and Livelihood” Joint Programme has accelerated economic recovery in disadvantaged areas following COVID-19, reaching 185,000 people, while the Leaving No One Behind: Adaptive Social Protection for All in Indonesia programme has supported the government in implementing COVID-19 shock-responsive social protection, increasing the resilience of low-income and vulnerable households across the country.

With less than 8 years left to achieve the SDGs, greater cooperation between the Government of Indonesia and the UN is essential now more than ever to ensure that no one in Indonesia is left behind. We must redouble our efforts to achieve the SDG targets and find innovative ways to close the SDG financing gap. We need to ensure the data is available to monitor our progress through improved data analysis, digitalisation, hi-tech approaches and innovation. 

In this context, I am honoured to highlight that Indonesia will play a crucial role as ASEAN chair in 2023. Under the “ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth” theme, Indonesia would like to highlight the significance of ASEAN for people in the region as well as the rest of the world. Making this possible requires a focus on three areas: recovery and rebuilding through a policy mix that ensures economic development, a digital economy strengthened through further economic inclusion, digital literacy, and sustainability, and finally, a green economic transformation. Our combined efforts in 2022, documented in this report, provides a solid foundation to develop in all these areas. Together, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the United Nations will continue to play an impactful role to advance the SDGs while ensuring that no one is left behind. I look forward to our continued partnership.

Suharso Monoarfa

Minister of National Development Planning, Indonesia (Bappenas)