Leaving No One Behind - Outcome 3

Indonesia frequently experiences natural disasters that can pose an outsized danger to marginalized groups.

In 2022, UN in Indonesia analysis led to a concept paper on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action. The UN also developed climate change-related policies and guidelines informed by a gender lens, and supported young people’s participation in Indonesia’s G20 presidency, including the Climate Sustainability Working Group.

A graphic of the Total area of marine conservation
A graphic of the Total Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions per year (Mton tCO2e)
Graphic of Primary energy intensity
Resilience to Climate Change
Financing Renewable Energy Development
Better Policies for Disaster Risk Reduction
Evidence for Climate Change Adaptation And Mitigation, Reduced Environmental Degradation, and Improved Early Warning Systems for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery
Vulnerable Communities Better Prepared for Climate Change and Disasters
Land and Marine Ecosystems, Habitats and Species Protected
Evidence-Based Land Management and Planning
Brown Issues


New guidelines on child-centred contingency planning contributed to improving the capacity of 91 districts and municipalities

“APL” areas, whose ecosystems enjoy enhanced protection, expanded to 663.777 ha by December 2022, surpassing the end-target of 500,000 ha by nearly 30%

217,317 artisanal and small-scale gold miners received training on the risks of mercury exposure


A woman posing with hundreds of watermelon she harvested
After the devastating peatland and forest fires of 2015, the Government of Indonesia put a strict ban on burning land for agriculture. An important measure to decrease the release of carbon dioxide into the environment and restore a vital ecosystem, the ban necessitated new farming techniques and, for some farmers, changing crops.
A uniformed woman is standing under a solar panel installation
The 160 million people living on the Indonesian islands of Java, Madura and Bali are heavily reliant on electricity generated from burning coal. But PLN, the state-owned electricity company responsible for the region's power grid, wants to change that—through an infrastructure upgrade that will enable the grid to take more electricity from renewable sources, leading to a massive reduction in the country’s greenhouse gas emissions.